Megan Daybell, ADHD Therapist in Salt Lake City, Utah

Happiness is not only finding satisfaction in what you have, but in also moving forward.

White brunette woman Trauma Therapist in blue dress with hand on hip standing in nature

Personal growth isn’t about fixing something that is broken. It’s about understanding yourself, letting go of what isn’t serving you, and cultivating your strengths. Give yourself the gifts of curiosity and compassion as you walk on your journey of personal growth.

Dogs welcome too!!

You have come to the right place.

Close up of woman holding a leaf shaped like a heart to show strengths-based therapy.
White brown hair trauma therapist woman with a blue dress on and hands behind back

Meet Megan!

Clients describe me as warm, genuine, and knowledgeable.

I offer a place of non-judgment and support where you can take a step back to examine yourself, learn about your strengths, and work towards making empowered decisions. My treatment approach emphasizes the capacity each person has within themselves to find meaning in their experience, and validation in their resiliency. I utilize fifteen years of clinical experience, and in-depth knowledge about effective treatment strategies to help you find your personal wellness.

Using a strengths based approach, I specialize in treating adults with ADHD and Anxiety, and bring concepts from neuropsychology to help clients understand their unique brain processing. I draw from a trauma informed lens, and apply therapeutic techniques from IFS, CBT, and EMDR. Most importantly, I seek to bring kindness and curiosity to every session.

I believe in the power of human resiliency, and am honored to be able to witness one's journey to understanding and acceptance. All are welcome, and all are valued. 

  • Certrificate from EMDR Institute: I am EMDR Certified and have extensive experience in helping clients process trauma. 

    ADHD and Neurodiversity: I have completed numerous trainings and courses about the nuance and complexity of having a neurodiverse brain.

  • Bachelor of Social Work (2006): Lewis and Clark State College

    Master of Social Work (2008): Boise State University

  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker: 8116298-3051 (UT)

  • Since the time I was a little girl, I have loved to hear stories about human beings. I’ve always been fascinated by the complexity and nuance of the human condition, and in how we interact with ourselves and others. Psychology blew my mind. 

    As a young adult I spent several years living and traveling in China and Hong Kong. My experiences there opened my eyes to the importance of being exposed to ideas, people, and cultures that were unfamiliar to me. Ultimately, my time abroad taught me to honor the power of human resiliency, and appreciate that we all have a unique story. 

    After college, I worked for over a decade as a School Social Worker for an elementary school that served members of the Latinx community. The majority of students’ families had immigrated to the United States from various parts of Latin America. Again, I learned more about myself by learning about others, and felt honored when people so generously shared with me.

    I am honored to have a child who is a member of the LGBTQ+IA Community, and another child who is neurodiverse. In both of these cases, I have felt the responsibility to help my children appreciate and connect with people who understand them. I am so grateful to the communities that have opened their arms to welcome them. 

    All this is to say, I love learning about humans. I love hearing their stories and learning about their unique perspectives. 




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