Frequently Asked Questions

You bring the questions. We’ll have answers.

If you have other questions please feel free to reach out directly.

  • I offer talk therapy to address issues such as ADHD, anxiety and depression. I also offer trauma therapy and an EMDR Certified Therapist.

  • Therapy is described by many as a gift to oneself. It’s an hour of time when a person can take off their many “hats” and be in a place where no one needs or expects anything from them. Therapy allows people to be emotionally raw or vulnerable without the pressure of being judged or getting in trouble. Additionally, therapy empowers people to take a look at their lives and more objectively see what is working, and what needs to change. Everyone can benefit from therapy.

  • I offer in-person and have weekend appointments available.

  • I charge $140 per session, but do offer a sliding scale fee. I can provide clients with a superbill to submit for out-of-network coverage. My goal is to provide financial options to make therapy more accessible.

  • It is imperative that clients feel comfortable with their therapist. The main purpose of a consultation call is to gauge if we are a good fit. We will first discuss what is bringing you to therapy, and what are some of your goals. Additionally, I will share more with you about my experience, and the therapeutic techniques I use for clients. We will also speak about logistics such as in-person vs remote therapy, scheduling, and payment options. If we are both in agreement that it seems like we will work well together, we will schedule an appointment at that time.

  • During the first session you will participate in an assessment to help me better understand the many aspects of your life. This assessment will be in an interview style with me asking questions and engaging in conversation. Questions about physical health, education, and employment will be discussed alongside questions about family history, social supports, and past mental health challenges. The main purpose of the initial assessment is to help me better understand what you are looking to address in therapy, help to identify your goals, and have a sense of your areas of strength and support. 

    After our first session, I will write up a “Biopsychosocial Report” and together we will create a Treatment Plan.

  • Best practice recommends that initially clients and therapists meet weekly to establish a therapeutic relationship, and develop a healthy rhythm. After a time, the client and therapist often decide to move to meeting every other week or once a month. Ultimately, the schedule is up to the client, and they may decide what works best for them.

Your life gets to start changing today.