ADHD Therapy in Salt Lake City and throughout Utah

Close up of potted plant with heart shaped flowers in a counseling office with a couch in the background with a yellow pillow and a black pillow with other potted plants in the background

Stop feeling like you can never catch up.

Are you feeling tired and hopeless because you just can’t seem to reach your goals?

ADHD can cause all sorts of complications

  • Always being late or feeling in a rush

  • Anxiety about looking bad in front of people and appearing “chaotic”

  • Difficulty finding motivation to complete things that don’t interest you

  • Becoming obsessed or hyper-fixating on one thing

  • Leaving a trail of unfinished tasks because you keep getting distracted

  • Exhausted because you feel like you have to work 10 times harder than everyone else

ADHD is not a behavior or choice, but so often people treat it that way.

It’s time to learn about your brain and how to function in a world that was not created for you.

How ADHD Therapy Works

Your life doesn’t look the way you want it to.

Many people with ADHD feel exhausted and overwhelmed by the demands of daily life. Anxiety and depression pile up as they move through their responsibilities at home, school, and work. The problem is not that people with ADHD are “lazy,” or “disorganized,” the problem is they are living in a world set-up for neurotypical folk. 

I help clients develop self-compassion and learn to better function in the world by:

  • Learning about neurodiversity and executive functioning

  • Cultivating Self-Regulation

  • Improving Communication

  • Setting-Up External Structures of Support. 

Additionally, I support parents or caregivers by:

  • Improving Communication

  • Setting Boundaries

  • Encouraging Independence in Teens and Young Adults

Finally, I support partners of people with ADHD by:

  • Improving Communication

  • Clarifying Roles and Expectations

  • Identifying Shared Goals

FAQs about ADHD Therapy

If you have more questions have a look at the FAQ page or reach out.

  • Neurodivergence refers to the natural variation in how people's brains work, encompassing conditions like ADHD, autism, dyslexia, and others. It means that some individuals think, learn, and process information differently from what is considered typical. This difference is not a flaw but a unique way of experiencing the world, with its own strengths and challenges. Understanding neurodivergence helps people recognize and embrace their individuality, finding strategies to thrive in a world that often expects everyone to think the same way.

  • Executive functioning refers to a set of mental skills that help you manage your time, stay organized, control your impulses, and make decisions. These skills include things like planning, focusing attention, remembering details, and switching between tasks. Essentially, executive functioning is like the brain's management system, helping you get things done and stay on track with your goals. When someone has challenges with executive functioning, they might find it harder to stay organized, follow through on tasks, or manage their time effectively.

  • Absolutely, people with ADHD can live a normal, fulfilling life. ADHD comes with challenges, like difficulties with focus, organization, and impulse control, but with the right strategies and support, individuals with ADHD can thrive. Many people with ADHD are creative, energetic, and able to think outside the box, which can be great strengths in various aspects of life.

    Managing ADHD often involves a combination of approaches, such as therapy, medication, lifestyle changes, and developing coping strategies to handle everyday tasks. With these tools, people with ADHD can achieve their goals, build strong relationships, and lead happy, successful lives. It's important to remember that "normal" is different for everyone, and embracing one's unique way of thinking can lead to a rich and rewarding life.

  • ADHD in adults typically involves challenges with focus, organization, and impulse control, which can affect daily responsibilities and relationships. Adults with ADHD may struggle to stay on task, get easily distracted, and have difficulty managing time or completing projects. Impulsivity can lead to quick decisions without fully considering the consequences, and there may be a sense of restlessness or feeling overwhelmed by everyday tasks. However, many adults with ADHD also possess strengths like creativity and high energy, which, with the right strategies and support, can help them lead successful and fulfilling lives.

  • Enter your answer here.

How ADHD Therapy in Salt Lake City, Utah can help you:

  • Understand your neurodiverse brain, and begin to appreciate your brain’s unique strengths

  • Explore coping skills or external supports to help you stay organized, have better time management, and finish tasks

  • Communicate your unique needs to partners, family, and friends to increase understanding and empathy in relationships

  • Set-up your life for success

Two heart leaf plants in glass jars with water and their roots in an adhd therapist office

Reach out to a Millcreek, Utah Therapist today!